Smart sensing
decision platform
Sustainability and innovation
come together to optimize
the poultry industry
The challenges of the poultry industry
Farms are constantly involved in multiple challenges: from the genetic evolution of breeds, to that of feed and diseases affecting the animal world, to legislative changes, up to the transformation of the market and consumer habits. These challenges make processes increasingly complex to manage and monitor. The poultry industry is an integrated supply chain with many possible areas for improvement: thanks to the new digital technologies it will be possible to monitor and collect vital information in order to review and streamline the process, allowing to meet the changing demands of the market and maintaining business objectives.
Key Benefits of beFarm®
beFarm® is an Innovability platform that through digitalization is able to transform and enhance the daily operations of zoomangimistics and supply chain.
Quality of work
thanks to the possibility of remotely monitoring indicators and alarms in real time. This reduces travels and allows to work in comfortable conditions, simplifying daily operations.
Animal Welfare
thanks to precise and scrupulous statistical models, it is possible to highlight environmental and behavioural anomalies promptly, reducing animal suffering and the incidence of diseases, thus ensuring a lower mortality rate and heterogeneity among specimens.
Automated Processes
which enable a relationship between the farms and the other actors of the chain. The relationship between the feed mill and the supply chain is punctual, to ensure a detailed surveying and coordination activities, optimizing the performance of the production process.
Smart contract
with breeders thanks to unequivocal and unalterable blockchain certification of performance.
Production performance
independent from the capabilities of individual farmers, thanks to the reduction of inefficiencies along the supply chain, faster processes (feed re-purchasing and collection planning), and early identification of anomalies.
Data driven decisions
sensors in the field are able to detect RELIABLE AND MEASURABLE DATA, which allows real-time management of the integrity of the systems and to define areas for improvement, taking timely action.
The impacts of beFarm®
on the Value Chain
beFarm® represents one of the key elements of the digitalization process of the whole poultry production chain: from the zoomangimistic to the supply chain, it provides the necessary software tools for a better management of the farms.
Allevamento broiler
Benefici sulla value chain
- Benessere animale e degli operatori in campo
- Performance di produzione migliorie livellate
- Minor mortalità e disomogeneità degli animali
- Smart Contract con allevatori e soccidari
- Decisioni strategiche data driven
Broiler production
Value chain benefits
- Wellbeing of animals and farmers
- Improved production performance
- Decreased mortality and increased homogeneity of animals
- Smart Contract with farmers and breeders
- Data-driven strategic decisions
Pianificazione e ritiro
Benefici sulla value chain
- Stima puntuale e giornaliera del peso animali (campione rappr.)
- Accrescimenti quotidiani
- Coefficiente di variabilità
- Forecast peso a x giorni aggiornato quotidianamente
Planning and collection
Value chain benefits
- Exact daily estimate of animal weight (representative sample)
- Daily increases
- Variable coefficient
- Forecast weight at x days updated daily
Benefici sulla value chain
- Ordinativi puntuali del mangime, obiettivo 0 eccedenze
- Validazione della ricetta in funzione della resa (KPIs specifici)
Feed manufacturer
Value chain benefits
- Exact feed orders, target 0 surpluses
- Formula validation according to yield (specific KPIs)
Applicazioni corporate
Benefici sulla value chain
- Rapido inserimento di nuovi sensori smart funzionali alla visibilità del processo
- Integrazione con applicazioni aziendali (ERP). Fornire dati rilevanti: alert, KPIs, che consentano di migliorare la produttività dei processi coinvolti
Business applications
Value chain benefits
- Rapid installation of new smart sensors to aid process visibility
- ERP Integration with business applications Provide relevant data: alerts, KPIs, etc., to improve productivity of relevant processes
Technological infrastructure
beFarm® allows users to optimize the potential and innovation guaranteed by cloud computing, the flexibility of the IoT, the power of machine learning combined with computer vision, and the forecasting ability of Big Data analysis.
Lymph is an innovative electromagnetic flowmeter that guarantees a precise, long-term measurement in real time of water consumption from the beginning to the end of a cycle.
Tipologia sensore
Lymph è un innovativo misuratore di portata, che garantisce una misura precisa, duratura e in tempo reale dei consumi di acqua all’interno del singolo box di allevamento; è uno strumento in grado di fornire indicazioni prezione anche a inizio ciclo, quando i consumi sono ancora molto contenuti. Grazie alla tecnologia di misuraelettromagnetica, il sensore è immune alle tipiche problematiche di cui soffrono i sensori meccanici, come ad esempio la presenza di impurità nell’acqua, piuttosto frequente negli allevamenti.
Sensor type
Lymph is an innovative flow meter that guarantees a precise, long-term measurement in real time of water consumption within each rearing unit; this instrument is able to provide precise measurements even at the beginning of a cycle, when consumption is still highly limited. Thanks to electromagnetic measuring technology, the sensor does not experience the same issues as mechanical sensors, such as, for example, the presence of impurities in the water, which is rather common at breading farms.
Nemesis has been created to provide accurate data on animal feed consumption within rearing units.
Tipologia sensore
Nemesis nasce con lo scopo di fornire dati accurati relativi ai consumi di mangime all’interno dei box. Infatti, una delle problematiche più sentite da chi utilizza materiali sciolti, è, chiaramente, la scarsa precisione con cui le attrezzature attuali ne misurano il peso.
Nemesis misura esattamente il peso del mangime che viene erogato. Lo fa in modo dieci volte più preciso rispetto agli attuali sistemi di pesatura applicati ai silos, sui quali generalmente si compiono errori del 5 – 10%, Grazie alle dimensioni ridotte e alla flessibilità di installazione, direttamente flangiato alla tubazione o fissato a muro, l’installazione del sensore è veloce e di semplice esecuzione. La massima affidabilità e il costo paragonabile a quello delle classiche celle di carico applicate ai silos, fanno di Nemesis la soluzione ottimale per il monitoraggio dei consumi di mangime in allevamento.
Sensor type
Nemesis has been created to provide accurate data on animal feed consumption within rearing units. One of the most common problems faced by users of loose materials is the lack of precise weight measurements when using current equipment.
Nemesis precisely measures the weight of dispensed animal feed. It is ten times more precise than current weight measurement systems used in silos, which tend to have a 5-10% error margin. Thanks to Nemesis’ small size and flexible installation, directly flanged to the pipe or fixed to the wall, it is quick and easy to set up the sensor. Its maximum reliability and cost comparable to classic load-sensing cells used in silos make Nemesis the perfect solution to monitor animal feed consumption.
Artemis is a network of smart sensors that protect each rearing unit to guarantee comprehensive monitoring of ambient parameters.
Tipologia sensore
Artemis è una rete di sensori smart a protezione del singolo box di allevamento. La principale finalità di Artemis è quella di garantire il monitoraggio capillare dei parametri ambientali, con la massima affidabilità e flessibilità.
I sensori Artemis sono dotati di sonde digitali in grado di monitorare in tempo reale i principali parametri ambientali: temperatura e umidità relativa ad altezza animali, temperatura della lettiera, intensità luminosa.
Questa famiglia di sensori è pensata per essere posizionata facilmente e rapidamente all’interno delle mangiatoie o degli abbeveratoi, per monitorare in tempo reale i punti critici del box
I Sensori Artemis creano tra loro una rete di comunicazione mesh che ne massimizza le performance, l’affidabilità e le distanze dal nodo gateway, al quale è affidato l’interfacciamento con la piattaforma beFarm.
La dashboard beFarm consente di visualizzare i sensori direttamente in mappa e monitorare, non solo le misure di interesse, ma anche lo stato e il funzionamento dei sensori (livello batterie e funzionamento sonde digitali), e generare allarmi qualora fosse necessario un intervento tempestivo di manutenzione.
Sensor type
Artemis is a network of smart sensors that protect each rearing unit. The main purpose of Artemis is to guarantee comprehensive monitoring of ambient parameters with maximum reliability and flexibility.
Artemis sensors are equipped with digital probes that monitor key ambient parameters in real time: temperature and relative humidity at animal height, bedding temperature and light intensity.
This family of sensors is designed to be quickly and easily installed within eating and drinking troughs, to monitor essential information within each rearing unit in real time.
The Artemis sensors all connect to a MESH communications network, maximizing performance, reliability and distances from the gateway node that interfaces with the beFarm platform.
The beFarm dashboard displays the sensors directly on a visual map, allows you to monitor not only key measurements but also the status and functioning of the sensors (battery level and digital node operation), and generates alerts if prompt maintenance is required.
Tiresias is the essence of beFarm® smart sensors: boasting a powerful and efficient computer vision algorithm, this sensor can precisely estimate the weight and homogeneity of the animals and carry out behavioral analysis.
Tipologia sensore
Tiresias è l’essenza dei sensori smart di beFarm: sfruttando un potente ed efficiente algoritmo di visione artificiale, è in grado di stimare con precisione il peso degli animali identificati, raccogliendo un campione elevato di misure nell’arco della giornata. Il costo ridotto, la facilità di installazione e i bassi requisiti tecnici, consentono di installare più sensori nelle zone strategiche della singola unità produttiva, garantendo una misura molto più precisa e resiliente rispetto a quella fornita da sistemi alternativi, basati su piattaforme di pesatura, costosi da implementare e manutenere, e soggetti a problematiche legate, alle gerarchie presenti all’interno dei box di allevamento.
Sensor type
Tiresias Tiresias is the essence of beFarm smart sensors: boasting a powerful and efficient computer vision algorithm, this sensor can precisely estimate the weight of the animals identified by collecting an extensive sample of measurements throughout the day. Its low cost, ease of installation and minimal technical requirements allowS you to set up more sensors in strategic areas of each rearing unit, guaranteeing a much more precise and reliable measurement compared to alternative systems based on weighing platforms that are expensive to install and maintain, and subject to issues related to hierarchies present within each rearing unit.
Lorys is a powerful ally, part of the beFarm® equipment able to support smart communication networks used to exchange data with sensors set up around the breeding farm.
Tipologia sensore
Lorys è un potente alleato, parte dell’architettura beFarm in grado di garantire la rete di comunicazione smart utilizzata per scambiare dati coi sensori presenti in allevamento. Le qualità di Lorys sono molteplici; innanzitutto, si tratta di una tecnologia wireless di facile installazione e configurazione, capace di raccogliere dati provenienti da migliaia di sensori nel raggio di alcuni km. Con un basso consumo di energia, Lorys è il supporto ideale per sensori alimentati a batteria.
Sensor type
Lorys is a powerful ally, part of the beFarm equipment able to support smart communication networks used to exchange data with sensors set up around the breeding farm. Lorys offers many benefits: firstly, it is a wireless technology that is easy to install and configure, and it is able to collect data from thousands of sensors within a wide range. With its low energy consumption, Lorys is the ideal support for battery-powered sensors.
Torii is beFarm®’s answer to Edge Gateway & Computing requirements in each rearing unit, representing the key element of local automation.
Tipologia sensore
Torii è la risposta beFarm ai requisiti Edge Gateway & Computing presenti sui singoli box di allevamento e rappresenta l’elemento chiave di automazione locale.
Si prende cura della raccolta dei dati di campo, quali consumi di acqua e mangime, sensori ambientali. Gestisce la successiva modellazione e scambio di dati con la piattaforma beFarm grazie al modulo di comunicazione LPWan. La presenza di interfacce I/O programmabili consente l’utilizzo di Torii per varie attività accessorie, ad esempio la gestione dell’illuminazione interna, oppure il monitoraggio stato dell’alimentatore/UPS presente all’interno del quadro.
Sensor type
Torii is beFarm’s answer to Edge Gateway & Computing requirements in each rearing unit, representing the key element of local automation.
It takes care of collecting farm data on water and animal feed consumption using ambient sensors. It manages subsequent data modeling and exchange with the beFarm platform thanks to the LPWan communication module. Programmable I/O interfaces make Torii ideal for various ancillary activities, like managing internal lighting and monitoring the power supply/UPS status within the dashboard.
Cloud platform
Through the acquisition, management and historicization of data collected by the systems in the field – environmental parameters, food and water consumption, estimated animal weight, anomaly detection – beFarm® provides real-time visibility, timely identification of anomalies and KPI analysis, allowing to better orchestrate the activities of the entire supply chain from a single dashboard.
Decisioni Data Driven
Our mission is to offer essential data to develop business strategies. beFarm® uses precise and accurate data: innovative, smart and reliable field sensors are part of the solution, capable of collecting key measurements with the highest accuracy, in any condition and without specific connectivity requirements. Data from the field is collected in real time, shaped and presented through a modern cloud platform, delivered in SaaS mode, allowing each customer to optimize their business.